Men's Cotton Handkerchiefs by Mandittions®

A new range of good quality mens cotton hankies by Mandittions® is now available. All are boxed, and made from 100% pure cotton. Choose from our men's coloured handkerchiefs, spotted, supersize, white handkerchiefs, and our popular mixed plain and tartan or checked sets. Our extra-large navy blue and red spotted handkerchiefs are also very popular.

Our handkerchief sizes guide may be useful too.

15 Items
Boxed Set 6 White Handkerchiefs
Spotted Hankies - 3 Blue and 3 Deep Red
Tartan Hankies
Deep Red Spotted Hankies
Two Boxes of 6 White Handkerchiefs
Two Boxes of 6 White Handkerchiefs
Extra Large Red Spotted Hankies
Navy Blue Spotted Hankies
Extra Large Navy Blue Spotted Hankies
Extra Large Red and Blue Spotted Hankies
Fish Handkerchiefs
Fish Handkerchiefs
Four Boxes of 6 White Handkerchiefs
Four Boxes of 6 White Handkerchiefs


» View our complete range of HANKIES, in our accessories department.

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